Canada’s Arctic since 1984!
Sahtu Health Centre, Norman Wells
New: Roof
Sahtu Maintenance Bldg, Norman Wells
New: Envelope
Northwest Tower, Yellowknife
Roof Retrofit
Sports Plex, Behchokò
New: Envelope
GNWT Taiga Lab, Yellowknife
Fall Protection
Precambrian Tower, Yellowknife
Roof Retrofit
Long Term Care, Behchokò
New: Envelope
Scotiabank Tower, Yellowknife
Roof Retrofit
Stanton Hospital, Yellowknife
Fall Arrest System
Gallery Building, Yellowknife
New: Roof
Western Arctic Research Centre, Inuvik
New: Envelope
Coast Guard, Inuvik
New: Building Envelope
GNWT Data Centre, Yellowknife
New: Envelope
Chief T'selehe School, Ft Good Hope
New: Envelope
Snap Lake Dormitories, Snap Lake
New: Roof
Bank of Montreal, Yellowknife
New: Envelope
Northern Industrial Sales, Yellowknife
New: Cladding
North Warning Radar Sites, YT, NT and NU
Chief Albert Wright School, Tulita
New: Envelope